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install Horego sekarang

Nur Khoiririjal

Nur Khoiririjal


I just came from here with the intention to work. Before I went there, my mask fell and got dirty. That's why I didn't wear a mask and planned to sit in the outside area because the rules are that it's okay not to wear a mask when outside. But while I was in the queue to order, an employee came up to me and asked me to wear a mask. I told him that my mask fell and got dirty, I even asked if there are masks available here? It's okay if I buy it because I don't have a spare mask with me. But the answer from the employee was that I was still told to leave. Immediately I saw the atmosphere in the room, and almost all the customers sitting in the room were not wearing masks. I ask again if I can't be helped for order menu, for example order in the outside or other solutions? The answer from the employee was that I still had to leave. There I felt evicted. Why isn't Starbucks here like in other cities?! Is not the essence of business is to provide solutions. I am very disappointed. What does service excellent look like to them?

26 Aug 2022