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Martabak Bangka Legenda review
Edith Juanita

Edith Juanita


Legendary martabak in Bogor indeed! Encek started sell martabak since 1975.. Until now Encek still use charcoal to cook. I always order with less sugar, because if not, it will be too sweet... He worked on his own for a long time, but now his sons help him to organize orders and bake as well. Since last year if I'm not mistaken, open order start since 7 - 10.30 AM via wa, and you may collect the martabak when the store open at 1.15 pm. Every Monday they are close. Unfortunately, the last time I ordered it (Oct 2021), the portion of mixed filling martabak (peanuts, choco, and cheese) was different from the way it used to be. The choco and cheese was not many, I remember every bite was full with them before but now is not full and so little! Also, the most important part from martabak is the bread the flour, now the taste is completely different, not so great! I wonder why.....?! Anyway, the price for their mixed filling martabak is 65k.

15 Oct 2021