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install Horego sekarang

Diah Ayoe Djoko

Diah Ayoe Djoko


I visited the Restaurant at Dipati Ukur on a Friday night at 8:15 - 9:30 PM. This was my first time to this restaurant. The owner & the staff were all of excellent manners & hospitality. The food was great. The price is regular. I had Nasi Kebuli w/ Kari Kambing and the original Teh Tarik. The food is great but if you're looking for a relaxing atmosphere to eat, then this might not be the right place for that. Aside from the really loud traffic noise (them darn motorbikes), which couldn't be helped, the open-fronted restaurant was visited by the occasional street musicians, and when I was there on a Friday night close to the mandatory Covid-19 related closing time, there was a group of really really really loud young men, one of them at one time kept on yelling questions from where he was standing at the cashier counter to their friends sitting at their table, which was about 3 meters (10 feet) away, without any consideration to the other 2 groups of customers dining there. If you think me rather rese'for writing this, then I could only say the atmosphere was too noisy for me, so I didn't enjoy my time there eventhough the food was really great. My opinion, my right.

29 Jul 2022