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Gerai Es Teler 77 Malioboro Mall review
Gerai Es Teler 77 Malioboro Mall review
Gerai Es Teler 77 Malioboro Mall review
Gerai Es Teler 77 Malioboro Mall review
Gerai Es Teler 77 Malioboro Mall review
Gerai Es Teler 77 Malioboro Mall review
Gerai Es Teler 77 Malioboro Mall review
Gerai Es Teler 77 Malioboro Mall review
Gerai Es Teler 77 Malioboro Mall review
Gerai Es Teler 77 Malioboro Mall review
Rexsy AN
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Rexsy AN

235 Reviews
3 Placelists







Hari ini saya mencoba memanfaatkan salah satu promo yang sedang berlangsung di tanggal 14-18 Agustus 2024, seporsi Mie Ayam reguler hanya cukup membayar 9.900 Rupiah saja. Saat saya dateng ke resto, kondisinya lumayan ramai, 50% meja terisi oleh pengunjung yang sedang makan. Makanan disajikan sekitar 6 menit setelah saya selesai membayar. Rasa mie ayamnya biasa saja, ekspektasi saya ternyata terlalu tinggi. Tekstur mienya terlalu lembek, lalu kuah kaldunya agak kurang berasa. Daging ayamnya sih yang enak banget, sayang porsi daging ayamnya ngga begitu banyak. Sawi yang digunakan terasa sangat segar seperti baru habis dipetik, cukuplah mengatasi kekecewaan terhadap tekstur mienya. Awalnya saya mengira lokasinya ada di lantai paling atas berdekatan dengan HokBen atau TaWan Resto, ternyata lokasinya berada 1 lantai di bawah lantai GF. Berada 1 lantai dengan Gramedia. Staf disini ramah dan juga komunikatif. *** Today I tried to use of one of the ongoing promos on August 14th-18th 2024, a portion of regular Chicken Noodle is only have to pay 9,900 Rupiah. When I came to the restaurant, it was quite crowded, 50% of the tables were occupied by visitors who were eating. The taste of the chicken noodles was mediocre, my expectations were too high. The texture of the noodles was too mushy, and the broth was a bit lacking in flavor. The chicken meat was really good, unfortunately the portion of chicken meat was not so much. The bok choy tasted very fresh as if it had just been picked, which was enough to overcome my disappointment with the texture of the noodles. At first I thought the location was on the top floor adjacent to HokBen or TaWan, but it turned out to be 1 floor below the GF floor. It is on the same floor as Gramedia. The staff here are friendly and communicative.

17 Aug 2024