Simpan tempat makan favorit kamu

install Horego sekarang

Roy Lim

Roy Lim


Feels a little unfair to rate the shop at 4 stars, but... it's really not a diner for tourists, but locals. The shop is pretty much an vacant shop lot that seems temporary with a white tent covering it, complete with portaloos as toilets. Plenty of tables (and there was parking), and we were the only non-locals dining during dinner. We ordered the IDR50k babi guling plate and the IDR60k plate. Both came with sate (or satays), and the difference would be more pork cuts on the premium plate. Wife found it too spicy to be eaten, which meant the same for our 6-year old daughter (but thankfully the cuts were not spiced and she had it with rice), so I ended up eating most of it and I too had to wash the spiciness down with beer. To sum it up, the food isn't terrible (might have been better if the food was warmer), but its not catering for tourists either.

22 Sep 2023