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Gindaco - Pakuwon Mall Jogja review
Gindaco - Pakuwon Mall Jogja review
Gindaco - Pakuwon Mall Jogja review
Gindaco - Pakuwon Mall Jogja review
Gindaco - Pakuwon Mall Jogja review
Gindaco - Pakuwon Mall Jogja review
Gindaco - Pakuwon Mall Jogja review
Rexsy AN
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Rexsy AN

346 Reviews
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Cukup penasaran dengan tagline mereka sebagai takoyaki nomer 1. Akhirnya saya usahakan dateng kesini walau tempatnya jauh. Store-nya jadi satu dengan Cupbob dan juga Chatime karena memang masih berada dalam grup/manajemen yang sama. Saya memesan Takoyaki Mozarella dengan isian beef saikoro seharga 38rb Rupiah, tapi karena ada cashback Bank Saqu, jadinya 19rb Rupiah saja. Rasanya jujur agak ngga sesuai dengan ekspektasi, keberadaan kejunya justru bikin rasanya jadi terlalu asam. Rasa daging saikoronya juga kurang menyatu. Mungkin jika kesini lagi saya akan memesan yang isinya selain beef saikoro saja. Proses bikin takoyakinya cukup lama, sekitar 13-15 menit, pembeli bisa melihat langsung proses pembuatannya. Kalau pas ramai bisa lebih lama lagi. Tempat duduknya juga ngga begitu banyak, bisa untuk 10-12 orang saja. *** I was quite curious about their tagline as the number 1 takoyaki. I finally tried to come here even though it was far away. The store is one with Cupbob and also Chatime because it is still in the same group/management. I ordered Takoyaki Mozarella with beef saikoro filling for 38k Rupiah, but because there was Saqu Bank cashback, it was only 19k Rupiah. The taste honestly didn't match my expectation, the presence of cheese actually made it taste too sour. The flavor of the beef saikoro was also lacking. Maybe if I come here again I will order something other than beef saikoro. The process of making the takoyaki is quite long, it takes about 13-15 minutes, we can see the process directly. The seating is also not so much, can be for 10-12 people only.

Edited - 8 Aug 2024