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Bento Kopi Godean review
Bento Kopi Godean review
Bento Kopi Godean review
Bento Kopi Godean review
Bento Kopi Godean review
Bento Kopi Godean review
Bento Kopi Godean review
Bento Kopi Godean review
Bento Kopi Godean review
Bento Kopi Godean review
Rexsy AN
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Rexsy AN

339 Reviews
0 Placelists







Dateng kesini sekitar 16.24 tapi baru bisa order sekitar jam 16.37 karena lagi pergantian shift. Agak bingung juga ini manajemen waktunya seperti apa. Bikin nunggu lumayan lama. Saya memesan es teh & roti bakar, jam 17.00 baru roti bakarnya dianter. Padahal awalnya rencana saya hanya akan berada disini sekitar 20 menitan saja. Rasa tehnya biasa aja, sesuai lah dengan harganya hanya 6000 Rupiah. Parkiran disini sangat luas. Ada area indoor dengan ac tapi hanya untuk 12-14 orang saja sepertinya kapasitas ruangannya. Tersedia tissue bagi yang membutuhkan. *** I came here around 16.24 but could only order around 16.37 because of the shift change. I'm a bit confused about the time management. It made me wait quite a long time. I ordered iced tea & toast, and at 17.00 the toast was delivered. Though initially my plan was only to be here for about 20 minutes. The flavour of the tea was just normal, in accordance with the price of only 6000 Rupiah. The parking lot here is very spacious. There is an indoor area with air conditioning but only for 12-14 people it seems like the capacity of the room. Tissues are available for those who need them.

12 Aug 2024