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Es Teh Desa Gamping - North Mejing review
Es Teh Desa Gamping - North Mejing review
Es Teh Desa Gamping - North Mejing review
Es Teh Desa Gamping - North Mejing review
Es Teh Desa Gamping - North Mejing review
Es Teh Desa Gamping - North Mejing review
Es Teh Desa Gamping - North Mejing review
Es Teh Desa Gamping - North Mejing review
Es Teh Desa Gamping - North Mejing review
Rexsy AN
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Rexsy AN

346 Reviews
0 Placelists







Salah satu franchise es teh yang sedang ramai, karena hampir di setiap kelurahan pasti ada cabangnya. Kali ini mampir siang hari saat sedang panas cukup terik. Saya memesan es teh kampul seharga 4000 Rupiah untuk takeaway. Bedanya dengan es teh biasa sih, ini dikasih potongan jeruk nipis. Rasanya sangat segar dan tehnya masih cukup pekat. Volumenya lumayan gede juga, sekitar 500-600 ml per cup-nya. Varian lainnya ada milktea dan juga menjual bakso tusuk di tempat yang sama. Sayangnya belum tersedia pembayaran dengan QRIS. *** One of the ice tea franchises that is currently busy, because almost every neighborhood must have a branch. This time I stopped by in the afternoon when it was quite hot. I ordered kampul iced tea for 4000 Rupiah for takeaway. The difference with regular iced tea is that it comes with a slice of lime. It tasted very fresh and the tea was still quite strong. The volume is quite large too, around 500-600 ml per cup. Other variants include milktea and also sell skewered meatballs at the same place. Unfortunately, QRIS payment is not yet available.

18 Aug 2024