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Kedai Soto Rempah Pak B review
Kedai Soto Rempah Pak B review
Kedai Soto Rempah Pak B review
Kedai Soto Rempah Pak B review
Kedai Soto Rempah Pak B review
Kedai Soto Rempah Pak B review
Kedai Soto Rempah Pak B review
Kedai Soto Rempah Pak B review
Rexsy AN
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Rexsy AN

340 Reviews
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Salah satu tempat soto langganan saya di daerah Gamping, Sleman. Saat datang jam 10 kondisi sudah agak sepi. Biasanya saat jam 7-8 pagi cukup ramai. Seperti biasanya, saya memesan soto ayam rempah, disini sotonya agak creamy karena menggunakan tambahan suhu UHT. Rasanya cukup unik, ada campurah gurih, asin dan creamy dari susu juga tetap terasa. Harganya juga murah 1 porsi hanya 10000 untuk soto ayam dan 17000 untuk soto daging sapi. Porsinya memang tidak terlau mengenyangkan, tapi udah lebih dari cukup untuk sarapan. Disini ada condiment gratis berupa jeruk nipis dan acar timun-wortel. Selain soto, ada nasi kebuli juga disini. Rasanya juga termasuk enak dan porsinya cukup besar. Lokasinya agak masuk ke dalam gang, agak sulit jika diakses dengan mobil. *** One of my favorite soto places in Gamping, Sleman. When I arrived at 10am, it was already quite quiet. It's usually quite crowded at 7-8am. As usual, I ordered the soto ayam rempah, here the soto is rather creamy because it uses additional UHT temperature. The taste is quite unique, there is a mix of savory, salty and creamy from the milk. The price is also cheap, 1 portion is only 10000 for chicken soto and 17000 for beef soto. The portion is not too filling, but it's more than enough for breakfast. There are free condiments such as lime and pickled cucumber-carrot. Besides soto, there is also kebuli rice here. The taste is also quite good and the portion is quite large. The location is a bit into the alley, a bit difficult if accessed by car.

16 Aug 2024