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Awalnya berencana mampir ke warmindo aja, tapi karena takut hanya akan mesen Indomie di warmindo, akhirnya kepikiran mending beli ayam di Olive Chicken aja, cuman beda 300 meter juga jaraknya. Saat saya sampai di lokasi ternyata lumayan ramai, tapi untungnya masih ada 1 meja kosong yang bisa saya tempati. Saya memesan paket nasi & dada lembut seharga 13.000 sudah termasuk es teh juga. Kali ini rasanya agak sedikit lebih asin dari biasanya, tapi okelah masih enak juga. Pembayaran non-tunai bisa dengan QRIS. Disini meja & wastafelnya bersih terawat. Ada toilet juga tapi masuk melalui bagian ruang karyawan di belakang. Parkir sangat terbatas, tukang parkirnya cukup helpful buat ngeluarin sepeda motor. *** Initially, I planned to stop by Warmindo, but because I was afraid that I would only order Indomie at Warmindo, I finally thought it was better to buy chicken at Olive Chicken, only 300 meters away. When I arrived at the location it was quite crowded, but fortunately there was still 1 empty table that I could occupy. I ordered the rice & soft breast package for 13,000 including iced tea. This time it tasted a bit saltier than usual, but it was still good. Cashless payment is possible with QRIS. Here the tables & sinks are clean and well-maintained. There are toilets too but enter through the employee lounge at the back. Parking is very limited, the parking attendant is quite helpful to get the motorcycle out.
11 Aug 2024