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Soto & Sop Buntut Monjali Patukan review
Soto & Sop Buntut Monjali Patukan review
Soto & Sop Buntut Monjali Patukan review
Soto & Sop Buntut Monjali Patukan review
Rexsy AN
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Rexsy AN

348 Reviews
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Lokasi barunya berpindah sekitar 700 meter ke selatan, di dekat Alfamart Ambarketawang. Rasa kuah sotonya lumayan bold, suapan pertama terasa enak dan hangat. Agar rasanya makin mantep, perlu ditambah 1/2 butir jeruk nipis. Porsinya juga cukup mengenyangkan. Proses penyajian sekitar 3-4 menit saja. Tersedia pembayaran cashless dengan scan QRIS. Parkiran agak terbatas untuk mobil, bisa parkir di bahu jalan. *** The new location has moved around 700 meters to the south, near Alfamart Ambarketawang. The taste of the soto broth is quite bold, the first bite tastes delicious and warm. To make it taste even better, you need to add 1/2 a slice of lime. The portion is also quite filling. The serving process only takes around 3-4 minutes. Cashless payments available with QRIS scan. Parking is somewhat limited for cars, you can park on the side of the road.

2 Aug 2024