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Tomoro Coffee - Godean review
Tomoro Coffee - Godean review
Tomoro Coffee - Godean review
Tomoro Coffee - Godean review
Tomoro Coffee - Godean review
Tomoro Coffee - Godean review
Tomoro Coffee - Godean review
Tomoro Coffee - Godean review
Tomoro Coffee - Godean review
Rexsy AN
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Rexsy AN

339 Reviews
0 Placelists







Satu-satunya cabang Tomoro yang ada di daerah barat Jogja, tepatnya di daerah Godean. Outletnya memang lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan outlet Tomoro lainnya di Jogja, kecuali outlet di stasiun Lempuyangan. Parkirnya juga agak sempit, kalo udah ada 2 mobil ngga ada area parkir lagi tersisa hehe. Saya memesan Iced Shaken Caramel Latte yang merupakan menu signature terbaru, harganya 26.000 Rupiah. Tapi, jujur untuk rasanya saya agak kecewa karena lebih dominan ke rasa asamnya, rasa pahit dari kopinya terasa kurang. Porsi es baru juga rasanya agak kebanyakan. Penyajiannya sekitar 10 menit karena ada 2 antrian lainnya. Untuk area outdor bisa untuk 6-7 orang. Tersedia asbak bagi yang mau merokok. Sayangnya, di area outdoor tidak ada tempat sampah. Pembayaran cashless bisa dengan scan QRIS. *** The only Tomoro Coffee branch in the western area of Jogja, precisely in Godean area. The outlet is smaller compared to other Tomoro outlets in Jogja, except for the outlet at Lempuyangan station. The parking lot is also a bit narrow, if there are already 2 cars there is no parking area left hehe. I ordered Iced Shaken Caramel Latte which is the latest signature menu, the price is 26,000 Rupiah. But, honestly for the taste I was a bit disappointed because it was more dominant to the sour taste, the bitter taste of the coffee was lacking. The portion of new ice also seemed a bit too much. Serving took about 10 minutes because there were 2 other queues. The outdor area can accommodate 6-7 people. There is an ashtray for those who want to smoke. Unfortunately, there is no trash can in the outdoor area. Cashless payment can be made by scanning QRIS.

10 Aug 2024