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Haus! Malioboro review
Haus! Malioboro review
Haus! Malioboro review
Haus! Malioboro review
Haus! Malioboro review
Haus! Malioboro review
Haus! Malioboro review
Haus! Malioboro review
Haus! Malioboro review
Haus! Malioboro review
Rexsy AN
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Rexsy AN

348 Reviews
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Menurutku ini outlet Haus! paling unik karena semua stafnya menggunakan pakaian adat Jawa dengan dominan warna pink. Desain interiornya juga ngga seperti outlet Haus! pada umumnya yang dominan warna putih. Ruangnya memanjang ke belakang cukup panjang. Suhu di dalam ruangan sangat dingin. Saya memesan 1 cup Thai Tea ukuran small, harganya murah, hanya 7000 Rupiah saja. Proses penyajiannya sekitar 5 menit. Rasa Thai Tea-nya menurutku agak terlalu watery sih, kurang pekat rasa teh dan susunya. Mungkin kalo kesini lagi, akan mencoba menu minuman lainnya. Tersedia juga di aplikasi pemesanan makanan secara online, biasanya ada diskon tambahan. Ada wifi gratis, tapi saya ngga sempet mencoba karena disini ngga terlalu lama. *** I think this is the most unique Haus! outlet because all the staff wear Javanese traditional clothes with the dominant color of pink. The interior design is also not like a typical Haus! outlet which is dominated by white color. The space extends to the back quite long. The temperature inside the room is very cold. I ordered 1 cup of Thai Tea small size, the price is super cheap, only 7000 Rupiah. The serving process took about 5 minutes. The flavor of the Thai Tea was a bit too watery, not enough tea and milk flavor. Maybe if I come here again, I'll try the other drinks menu. It's also available on online food ordering apps, usually with additional discounts. There is free wifi, but I didn't get to try it because I wasn't here for too long.

Edited - 17 Aug 2024