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install Horego sekarang




Here’s my honest review Pros: 1. Food is super cheap! 2. Portion was plenty! What can beat cheap food + huge portion? 3. Taste was quite good, not special but quite good. Now let’s talk about the cons. 1. Super long waiting time. I ordered via Whatsapp on 17.00, the restaurant said the food can be ready on 20.30. So I come on 20.30 on time and guess what, my food hasn’t been prepared yet. Then I ordered drinks which was ice tea. 21.00 and my drink hasn’t been made also my food still hasn’t prepared yet. So, this maybe was the longest wait time in restaurant in my experience. 2. The staff seems to like do many jobs and then forget to continue what they are doing, for this kind of busy restaurant, they only have 3 staffs, 1 for cooking 1 for preparing and 1 for serving, cleaning table and others. So I think this was the problem because each one doesn’t have specific job. Honestly, it’s kinda messy. 3. I don’t know if this because of the chef is overworked and tired, but the food is bland. I used to eat in this restaurant before but this time I think their food quality is decreasing. Do I want to go back to this restaurant? I don’t think so, except they fix their kitchen and serving problems.

5 Sep 2023