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Warung Setia Pemuteran review
Pieter De Jager

Pieter De Jager


Hands down the best warung we’ve been to in Bali and Pemuteran. This place is a short walk from the Global Royal Pemuteran hotel we are lunch or dinner here most of our 5 days spent in Pemuteran. The food is clean and freshly made, which is why some dishes take longer to prepare than others, but it sure is worth the wait! Among some of the dishes we’ve tried Nasi Campur, which is amazing. Their Padthai with prawns is heavenly and if you’re craving for some western style food the Special Sandwich is a delight, it caught me off-guard how good it was. I would go back to Pemuteran for sure if only it was for this restaurant. Slight downside is the noise from the street and all the cars/scooters passing by. But you can also order takeout if that bothers you. Make sure to leave a tip for this special place and the amazing food that’s prepared by the kitchen staff and waiters/waitresses!

7 Oct 2023