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Ikan Bakar Bu Bambang review



Allow me to share my dining experience at Ikan Panggang Bu Bambang, a seafood destination situated in the Sagan neighborhood. This culinary discovery was thanks to my brother's recommendation, and I'm grateful for it. The menu at Ikan Panggang Bu Bambang is a true delight. From Kerapu, Bawal, Kakap Putih, and Ikan Kue to Cumi, they offer a range that satisfies every seafood lover's cravings. The best part? The preparation options are endless – from asam manis, goreng tepung, you name it. The sambal offerings deserve special mention. The dabu-dabu sambal is a burst of flavors, while the sambal bawang is truly maknyusss. Each bite was a symphony of tastes, creating a memorable seafood feast. Based on my experience, Ikan Panggang Bu Bambang is more than worthy of a revisit. If you're on the hunt for a seafood destination that excites your taste buds and offers an array of delightful choices, this place is a must-visit.

29 Aug 2023