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Coffee Dia - Garden House - Tanjung Duren review
Deka Thomas

Deka Thomas


Matchanya gak rata adukannya, banyak yang gak larut di air, jadi masih bentuk bubuk yang menggumpal. Kalau untuk pastanya sih lumayan enak sih. Untuk minum disuruh self service untuk bawa sendiri ke tempat duduk. Untuk tempatnya buat ngobrol sih asik, tapi kalau untuk grup orang yang banyak kurang sih. Karna tempatnya agak sempit. Ada outdoor, tapi kalau siang sih panas banget, mungkin malem bagus. Kurang recommend kalau mau coba kesini. --- The matcha is not evenly mixed, still a lumpy powder form. As for the pasta, it's pretty good. To drink, you are told to self-service to bring yourself to the seat. It's cool to have a place to chat, but for a group of people who have a lot of people, it's lacking. Because the place is a bit narrow. There is outdoor, but in the afternoon it's really hot, maybe it's good at night. I don't recommend it if you want to try here.

25 Dec 2023