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Warung Sunda Hh review
Warung Sunda Hh review
Warung Sunda Hh review
Food And Ramble
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Food And Ramble

75 Reviews
1 Placelists







Gosh I have such a mix feelings about this place. It’s value for money because it’s cheap and the food is decent. Love the staffs, they are very polite and attentive. I love nasi liwet & sambel dadak. But the other food is .. not to my liking. Sate maranggi’s beef cut is a bit too thick the fat is so hard to chew. The meat part is tender enough. I am concerned as the location is near trash collection place.. which can be challenging if you want to keep it fly-free. The room on the second floor is cleaner. You can sing karaoke there. If you like to keep it quiet, do come for early lunch.

20 Jun 2024