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Ayam Geprek Hara Chicken review
Ayam Geprek Hara Chicken review
Ayam Geprek Hara Chicken review
Rexsy AN
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Rexsy AN

315 Reviews
3 Placelists







Saya dateng kesini tanpa ekspektasi yang tinggi sih karena kalo liat harganya aja beneran sangat murah. Untuk nasi dan sayap ayam geprek mulai 13rb aja rasanya. Ada variasi dengan keju parut dan mozarella. Rasa ayamnya memang agak asin sih, tapi ya masih cukup oke lah dengan harga segitu. Proses geprek juga ga begitu lama. Untuk minuman susu coklat rasanya agak watery. Wastafel ada di pojok ruangan, tapi airnya kurang kencang. Tersedia pembayaran cashless dengan QRIS. Parkiran motor cukup terbatas. *** I came here without high expectations because if you look at the price it's really very cheap. For rice and crushed chicken wings, it starts at just 13 thousand. There are variations with grated cheese and mozzarella. The taste of the chicken is a bit salty, but it's still quite okay for that price. The crushing process doesn't take that long either. For a chocolate milk drink, it tastes a bit watery. The sink is in the corner of the room, but the water isn't fast enough. Cashless payments available with QRIS. Motorbike parking is quite limited.

3 Aug 2024