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install Horego sekarang
Saya kesini karena penasaran udah beberapa kali lewat saat malam hari parkirannya selalu ramai sekalo dengan pengunjung. Saat siang saya dateng sih memang jauh lebih sepi. Saya langsung memesan coffee milk seharga 11rb Rupiah dan french fries seharga 12rb Rupiah. Jujur nih untuk kopinya sangat tidak sesuai. Lebih cocok disebut minuman dengan rasa kopi saja. Bahkan dengan kopi sachet Coffeemix, rasa kopinya aja masih kalah, bener-bener terasa watery sekali. Padahal es batunya 50% dari isi gelas, harapan saya rasa kopinya akan terasa cukup strong. Ternyata tidak sesuai dengan ekspektasi. Makanannya juga biasa aja sih, sesuailah dengan harganya yang murah. Disini ada free wifi, kecepatannya cukup baik. Mungkin karena masih sepi. Saat ini juga masih ada promo cashback 50% dengan aplikasi Bank Saqu. *** I came here out of curiosity, the few times I passed by at night the parking lot was always crowded with visitors. When I came in the afternoon, it was much quieter. I immediately ordered coffee milk for 11k Rupiah and french fries for 12k Rupiah. Honestly, the coffee is not very suitable. It's more suitable to be called a drink with coffee flavor only. Even with Coffeemix sachet coffee, the coffee flavor is still inferior, it really feels very watery. Even though the ice cubes were 50% of the contents of the glass, I hoped the coffee flavor would feel strong enough. It didn't live up to expectations. The food is also ordinary, in accordance with the cheap price. There is free wifi here, the speed is quite good. Maybe because it's still quiet. Currently there is also a 50% cashback promo with the Saqu Bank application.
Edited - 7 Aug 2024