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Acaii Tea - Ashta Distric 8 review
Acaii Tea - Ashta Distric 8 review
Acaii Tea - Ashta Distric 8 review
Acaii Tea - Ashta Distric 8 review
Acaii Tea - Ashta Distric 8 review
Acaii Tea - Ashta Distric 8 review
Michelle Charissa
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Michelle Charissa

857 Reviews
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anti flu shot ( 4.7 fl oz / 140 ml ) minuman kesehatan acaii mirip jamu temulawK, karena kompisisi nya ada pure curcumin, lemon, ginger dan honey. rasanya manis dan mirip jamu, cuma ini dikemas secara mewah dan branding nya menarik. curcumin is the primary active ingredients in the temulawak the reason behind its yellow color. Other than its inflammatory and antioxidant is also recently famed for its anti-viral potential that helps to protect against common flu and other viruses 100% natural, dairy free and gluten free calories 70, carbs 14 grams, fats 0, protein 0. keep refrigerated

21 May 2024