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Jowa review
Fandy Putra Limanto

Fandy Putra Limanto


This is my best restaurant so far in Jakarta 🥰. Semua makanannya ga ada yang failed in my opinion. Nama tempatnya Jowa berlokasi di Oakwood Barito. Tempatnya ga besar, minimalis dan menggunakan open kitchen concept. Aku udah visit 2x dan masih belum move on ama rasa makanannya 😍. One thing interesting adalah pelayanannya ramah banget dan pay attention to the customer 😉. About the food, I think it is Korean fusion gitu. They try to elevate with western/asian culture. Here is what I ordered: 1. Korean Fried Chicken 💰IDR 70,000 Ayamnya bukan yang crispy banget, tapi the crunchy is still there. Sausnya pakai gochugaru aioli jadinya mix manis, asam, dan gurih nya enak banget! If they sell the sauce separately, I’ll buy them! 2. Buffalo Cauliflower 💰IDR 75,000 Ini ga kaya sayur sama sekali. Texture cauliflower nya empuk kaya minced meat. Saus nya menggunakan cashew, mayo yoghurt, and hot sauce. Umami banget! 3. Prawn Mandoo 💰IDR 80,000 Kuahnya creamy kaya curry thailand. But it’s made with tomato-kimchi jam, shimeji, cuciwis, and shellfish bisque. Very unique tastenya. Prawn nya kematangannya pas, ga ngaret. 4. Umami Fries 💰IDR 45,000 Yes it’s just french fries tapi kalian harus coba sih 😂. Sausnya tuh yang enak, wasabi tartar. I don’t know why but Jowa made very good sauces✨ 5. Salmon 💰IDR 150,000 Creamy, ada salmonnya pas. Aku suka jamurnya ada beberapa jenis. Kematangannya pas juga. Acar raddish nya juga complement everything, kecut”. 6. Dry Ramen 💰IDR 130,000 This is not my food I think. Mienya kurang mantap. Telornya a bit over cooked for me at that time. Yet, the smoked beef bacon nya enak. 7. Bibimbap 💰IDR 160,000 The bibimbap is so so for me. Agak sedikit kurang saus jadinya kurang robust rasanya. Tapi, aku appreciate they are using the stone bowl jadi seperti authentic bibimbap. Overall, it is a must-try restaurant so far yang aku coba di Jakarta. If you guys have any must try restaurant. Let me know! 🙏🏻 📍JOWA 💰Price excludes service charge and tax

18 May 2023