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Livingstone Cafe & Bakery - SCBD review
Livingstone Cafe & Bakery - SCBD review
Livingstone Cafe & Bakery - SCBD review
Livingstone Cafe & Bakery - SCBD review
Livingstone Cafe & Bakery - SCBD review
Livingstone Cafe & Bakery - SCBD review
Livingstone Cafe & Bakery - SCBD review
Jochbeth Wairata
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Jochbeth Wairata

518 Reviews
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Nah, ceritanya setelah dari MeatGuy, kami mau ngopi/ngeteh dahulu. So we decided to go to Livingstone SCBD Livingstone is a well-known coffee shop in Bali. However, its not my fav coffee shop here in Jakarta. Pastries and cakes nya looked general. I ordered ginger tea, well it was too light i tasted only a very light amount of ginger and a hint of cardamon. We ordered Truffle French Fries which also general taste. We also ate crispy pork belly sambal matah, welll hmmmm standard also. Not fancy the texture of sambal matah (well jauh rasanya dari sambal matah Bali) So is it overrated? I guess so 😁

13 Nov 2024