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install Horego sekarang

Cempaka Kaulika

Cempaka Kaulika


Dissapointed on how this restaurant handle a guest, even on the VIP room. Untuk yang booking prior to dine in, we have to be very careful on how they mentioned minimum purchase 4jt++. Never have any bad experience like this in other restaurant. This is my respond to your front desk saying: sebelumnya belum ada customer yang belum paham begini. I am quoting this law for your staff to understand: Pasal 8 UU Perlindungan Konsumen “Kewajiban Pelaku Usaha Memberikan informasi yang benar, jelas, jujur, mengenai kondisi barang dan/atau jasa serta memberikan penjelasan penggunaan..” We have paid all the fees in full price. Invoice nggak ada ditulis tuh “belum termasuk pajak dan service”. Kalau mau fair di tulis dong biar Jelas. Bad staff. Kapok banget and thanks

30 Dec 2023