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Coffix Coffee review
Coffix Coffee review
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219 Reviews
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Cari tempat ngopi sore2 dan akhirnya memutuskan ke sini setelah keliling ke beberapa coffee shop lain di sekitarnya yg cukup crowded. We were looking for a quiet place tho so this place was quite an option since there wasn't any customer inside that afternoon (of course I checked review first to make sure the coffee wouldn't fail us lol). The caramel latte was nice and have that balance composition, tho a little bit too sweet for a not-very-sweet-tooth like me. Tempatnya juga cozy dan tenang banget, the warm ambience make it even perfect in such a rainy day. Pilihan snacknya ga terlalu banyak but it was all nice, the simplicity which was necessary to have at a small cafe like this. Minusnya hanya karena tempatnya kecil dan dapurnya seems happen to be on the same floor with the seating area, jadi agak bau asep gorengan aja di dalemya; jadi untuk di sana pas lagi rame atau pas lagi cuaca panas sepertinya akan jadi ga terlalu nyaman. But overall that was a great choice we made to have visited Coffix.

3 May 2024