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The Garden - Lippo Mall Puri review
The Garden - Lippo Mall Puri review
The Garden - Lippo Mall Puri review
The Garden - Lippo Mall Puri review
cathy sie
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cathy sie

11 Reviews
0 Placelists







Iseng nyobain the garden lippo mall puri, previously i’ve dined at their pik branch few years ago. Took me by surprise sihh, rasanya super medok banget jadi cocok di lidah orang indo. Tapi karena terlalu medok justru kurang berasa rasa authentic pasta nyaa. Pasta fettucine 24hr pork ragu nya enak padahal tapi kayaknya udah di adjust ke lidah indo jd a bit too asin for me. Untuk nasi goreng badass wagyu.. minta medium yg dtg welldone wagyu nya juga bukan wagyu sih kayak daging sapi biasa. Overall ok.

21 Apr 2024