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Steh Jumbo Godean review
Steh Jumbo Godean review
Steh Jumbo Godean review
Steh Jumbo Godean review
Steh Jumbo Godean review
Steh Jumbo Godean review
Rexsy AN
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Rexsy AN

346 Reviews
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Kebetulan saya sedang berada di daerah Jalan Bibis bagian barat, sekalian deh cari es teh di pinggir jalan. Nemu tempat ini dari Google Maps, kedainya jadi satu dengan sebuah toko. Pilihan menu tertulis cukup besar di bagian atas dan juga ada di lembaran. Saya memilih es teh biasa tanpa gula. Proses pembuatan kira-kira sekitar 3 menit. Rasa es tehnya sangat segar saat diminum di hari yang terik. Ada banyak variasi teh lainnya yang perlu dicoba jika kesini. Sayangnya, tidak tersedia QRIS untuk pembayaran non-tunai. Untuk parkir masih ada space sedikit untuk sepeda motor. *** Coincidentally, I was in the western part of Jalan Bibis, so I look for iced tea on the side of the road. I found this place from Google Maps. The menu options are written quite large at the top of the shop and are also on the menu sheet. I chose regular iced tea without sugar. The tea making process takes approximately 3 minutes. The taste of iced tea is very refreshing when drunk on a hot day. There are many other variations of tea that you need to try if you come here. Unfortunately, QRIS is not available for non-cash payments. For parking, there is still a little space for motorbikes.

6 Aug 2024