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install Horego sekarang

Bakmi Tungku Nusa Dua review
P.M Rony

P.M Rony


#INDONESIAN REVIEW Rasa: 9/10 Harga: 9/10 Kualitas: 9/10 Kebersihan: 9/10 Pelayanan: 9/10 Kecepatan pelayanan: 9/10 Parkiran: 9/10 Saya pesan bakmi goreng seafood kare. Menurut saya rasanya enak, bumbunya medok dan dibuat sedikit nyemek jadi semakin kental. Untuk seafoodnya hanya udang tapi ukurannya besar2 ya. Harganya juga masih yg wajar di 26 ribu. Minumannya juga masih wajar harganya. Bukan harga tempat wisata. Untuk saya rasa, kualitas dan harga masih worth it lah. Pelayanan juga baik, tempatnya juga nyaman. Rekomended lah ini warungnya Fasilitas: 1. Parkir motor dan mobil gratis (cukup memadai dan luas) 2. Wastafel 3. Toilet Yang tidak tersedia: 1. Mushola **Jangan lupa like dan follow ya guys! Thanks! ** #ENGLISH REVIEWS Taste: 9/10 Price: 9/10 Quality: 9/10 Cleanliness: 9/10 Service: 9/10 Service speed: 9/10 Parking: 9/10 I ordered the curry seafood fried noodles. I think it tastes delicious, the spices are soft and make it a little thicker so it becomes thicker. For seafood, it's only shrimp, but the size is big. The price is also still reasonable at 26 thousand. The drink prices are also reasonable. Not the price of a tourist attraction. In my opinion, the quality and price are still worth it. The service is also good, the place is also comfortable. This shop is recommended Facility: 1. Free motorbike and car parking (adequate and spacious) 2. Sink 3. Toilets What's not available: 1. Prayer room

19 Sep 2023