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install Horego sekarang




Food was mostly good, the main dishes were somewhat small though and the sticky mango rice wasn't great and too sweet. What really made us feel uncomfy was how over the top the service was. The lady kept repeating every item we ordered (I know that's normal in Indonesia but is it really necessary for 2 items?). She kept coming back too many times, saying both our names after every little interaction. It just felt forced and unnecessary to the point that we felt uncomfortable. Don't get me wrong, we appreciate friendly service but that was a bit overwhelming. Tip to the management: Good service is when a waitress/waiter is there when you need them but isn't overbearing. I'm saying this because the lady clearly did her job the way she was taught. Oh, and another thing: For a restaurant that calls itself upscale, the toilets were a bit disgusting (old and rundown, dirty looking, tap was wobbly)

6 Apr 2024