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Kerang Rebus Sumber Rezeki 2 review
Aldo Pranata

Aldo Pranata


Salah satu tempat nongkrong luar ruangan favorit . Area nya luas , sering mesan tst sama kerang rebus kalau di sini . Rada kesal sama tukang parkirnya , karna emang nakal. Biasanya ke sini bareng teman buat nongkrong sampai larut malam.Di sini gadak toilet yah , soalnya lokasinya emang tongkrongan pinggir jalan , depan ruko gitu. Dan tiap mampir pasti lumayan rame. -- One of my favorite outdoor hangout spots. The area is wide, often order tst and boiled clams here. I'm a bit annoyed with the parking attendant, because he's naughty. Usually come here with friends to hang out until late at night.There are no toilets here, because the location is indeed a place to hang out on the side of the road.

8 Jan 2023