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Cat Ash

Cat Ash


my husband got us a ticket for Jamie Aditya's performance. we were hanging around since 6ish and had dinner nearby. a friend joined us. we were all super excited especially since Jamie has been one of our idols since our teenage years. we walked in super early and were greeted by the staff and bouncer. the staff were very professional and nice. the ladies were dressed as flappers. it was a wonderful experience walking in, and the place looked amazing. we soon realised it was tiny! we found a table and sat down. the lady asked us if we would like to order a drink, and turned out the drink was included in the ticket price. nice! the three of us ordered a cocktail each and started talking. the waitress asked if we would like to order a bottle or other cocktails and we declined the offer since we aren't drinkers and my husband was feeling a bit unwell. the waitress informed us that in able to sit down, theres a minimum spend of 4 million. since we came for the music, not the alcohol, there is no way our bill will mount up to that. we were offered to STAND instead by the bar. we had a good 3 hours to go before Jamie came out at 11pm. it was just too much for us to stand for so long watching a relaxing jazz performance. maybe minimal spending thing is a gen-z kinda thing, maybe a canggu thing.. back to Ubud and Kirtan for us!

26 Jan 2024