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Kopi Es Tak Kie - Sarinah review
Niki Capriano

Niki Capriano


(Translated by Google) The coffee is delicious, the composition between coffee, milk and ice is just right, not overpowering like palm sugar milk ice coffee in general. If the ice is reduced a little it will be more delicious it seems. The price is 25k including tax, the location is in the Sarinah basement food court, a bit on the corner. (Original) Kopinya enak, komposisi antara kopi, susu dan es nya pas, ga overpower kaya es kopi susu gula aren pada umumnya. Kalo esnya dikurangi sedikit akan makin enak sepertinya. Harganya 25k incl tax lokasinya di food court basement Sarinah agak di pojok.

28 Aug 2023