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install Horego sekarang




If you aren't interested in the club scene but want to have a drink and sing along to some classic Western rock, this is the perfect spot for you. Food, full bar service, pool table, friendly staff and patrons. A more mature crowd (well, at least older!) skewing more heavily towards ex-pats than locals. Prices are reasonable. Cash and credit cards accepted. Good amount of English understood here. The other reviewers say it well. Not sure a younger crowd would enjoy this place so much, but if you're over 35 odds are you're going to love it. Live music often. Canned music otherwise. Both are louder than I'd prefer but loud enough you can sing/yell along to without feeling self-conscious. Though they close at 2am last call is around 1:15am and the place is definitely in shut-down mode. Good but basic selection of liquor. They can make cocktails on request, not just from the menu. Drinks are strong! The place is clean without feeling sterile. You definitely feel like you stand in a long line of happy patrons, but you don't feel disgusted by that. Bathroom is cleaner than most bar bathrooms I've been in! I didn't try the food but I would next time I come - the menu is more extensive than just the traditional SE Asian fried food you find at a lot of other places. Pool table is in an alcove with good space. It's in surprisingly good condition and the cues are workable. Definitely coming back here the next time I'm in Jakarta!

12 Dec 2023