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HokBen Kitchen - Parangtritis review
HokBen Kitchen - Parangtritis review
HokBen Kitchen - Parangtritis review
HokBen Kitchen - Parangtritis review
HokBen Kitchen - Parangtritis review
HokBen Kitchen - Parangtritis review
HokBen Kitchen - Parangtritis review
Rexsy AN
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Rexsy AN

346 Reviews
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Saat saya datang kondisi resto tidak ada pelanggan lain, jadi saya hanya sendirian. Saya langsung memesan paket Hoka Hemat dan langsung disajikan saat itu juga. Saat saya makan, saya melihat ada beberapa kali ojek online datang untuk pick up makanan pesanan pelanggan. Saat ini, masih ada promo cashback 50% untuk pembayaran dengan QRIS Bank Saqu. Rasa makanannya cukup enak, shrimp roll cukup crispy serta nasinya lembut. Untuk tempat duduk outdoor ternyata cukup teduh setelah jam 4 sore. Area makan outdoor berbatasan langsung dengan parkiran sepeda motor. Wastafel cukup bersih. *** When I arrived at the restaurant there were no other customers, so I was alone. I immediately ordered the Hoka Hemat package and it was served immediately. While I was eating, I saw several times that online motorcycle taxis came to pick up food orders from customers. Currently, there is still a 50% cashback promo for payments with Saqu Bank QRIS. The taste of the food is quite delicious, the shrimp roll is quite crispy and the rice is soft. For outdoor seating it turns out it's quite shady after 4pm. The outdoor dining area is directly adjacent to the motorbike parking area. The sink is quite clean.

5 Aug 2024