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Lagi jalan malem-malem nyari cafe yang masuh buka, kepikiran mampir ke KopKen aja yang 24 jam. Saat parkir lumayan penuh. Saya langsung memesan 1 gelas Hazelnut Dutch Choco Ice seharga 24.000 Rupiah tanpa gula karena saya yakin akan kemanisan kalo masih ada tambahan gula. Proses pembuatan cukup cepet. Setelah saya cicipi, rasanya ga begitu pekat coklatnya, malah cenderung agak watery. Kalo tahu rasanya akan seperti ini mungkin saya akan pesen matcha atau kopi susu aja hehe. Lantai 2 nya ternyata cukup sempit. Ngga cocok buat nongkrong banyak orang. Toilet juga ada di lantai 2 dan lumayan bersih. Ada wastafel dan tempat sampah juga. Pembayaran bisa dengan kartu debit/kredit maupun scan QRIS. Pesan melalui aplikasi KopKen juga bisa sih. *** Walking late at night looking for a cafe that's still open, I thought of stopping by the 24-hour KopKen. The parking lot was quite full. I immediately ordered 1 glass of Hazelnut Dutch Choco Ice for 24,000 Rupiah without sugar because I was sure it would be sweet if there was still sugar added. The making process was quite fast. After I tasted it, the chocolate flavor was not so thick, instead it tended to be a bit watery. If I had known it would taste like this, I probably would have just ordered matcha or milk coffee hehe. The second floor was quite narrow. Not suitable for hanging out with many people. The restrooms are also on the 2nd floor and are quite clean. There is a sink and trash can too. Payment can be made by debit/credit card or QRIS scan. You can also order through the KopKen application.
11 Aug 2024