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Janji Jiwa & Jiwa Toast - Jogja City Mall review
Janji Jiwa & Jiwa Toast - Jogja City Mall review
Janji Jiwa & Jiwa Toast - Jogja City Mall review
Janji Jiwa & Jiwa Toast - Jogja City Mall review
Janji Jiwa & Jiwa Toast - Jogja City Mall review
Janji Jiwa & Jiwa Toast - Jogja City Mall review
Janji Jiwa & Jiwa Toast - Jogja City Mall review
Janji Jiwa & Jiwa Toast - Jogja City Mall review
Rexsy AN
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Rexsy AN

345 Reviews
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Satu-satunya outlet "Janji Jiwa" yang berlokasi di dalam mall di Yogyakarta. Lokasinya di lantai 2, berdekatan dengan tempat minum dan temoat makan lainnya. Saat saya datang, barista yang berjaga hanya ada 1 orang. Saya memesan melalui aplikasi Jiwa+, jadi saat saya datang minumannya sudah jadi dan siap diambil. Saya memesan Kopi Susu Sahabat, rasanya lumayan creamy dan ngga begitu manis, menurutku udah pas rasanya. Untuk pemesanan melalui aplikasi harganya hanya 10.000 Rupiah, lebih murah 8.000 dibanding memesan secara langsung. Cukup worth it sih dengan harga segitu. Saat saya datang tidak ada pelanggan lain di outlet, hanya ada beberapa kali driver ojek online mengambil pesanan dari customer mereka. Untuk akses internet disini bisa menggunakan wifi yang terhubung dengan wifi milik JCM. *** The only "Janji Jiwa" outlet located inside a mall in Yogyakarta. It is located on the 2nd floor, adjacent to other drinking and eating places. When I arrived, there was only one barista on duty. I ordered through the Jiwa+ app, so when I came the drink was already made and ready to be picked up. I ordered Kopi Susu Sahabat, it was quite creamy and not so sweet, I think it was just right. For ordering through the app the price is only 10,000 Rupiah, 8,000 cheaper than ordering directly. It's worth it at that price. When I came there were no other customers at the outlet, there were only a few online motorcycle taxi drivers taking orders from their customers. For internet access here, you can use wifi that is connected to JCM's wifi.

14 Aug 2024