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install Horego sekarang

Six Degrees of Separation

Six Degrees of Separation


Lovely location with a limited menu of nice food, although the prices are high and the portions are small. The biggest disappointment was the service and attitude of the young western owner. We were among a number of tables that were completely neglected. There was one server working for all the tables, all the while the image-conscious owner flounced around tending to her social media and greeting her local western friends (ignoring any customers she didn’t know). At no point did she think the get stuck in and help serve tables. At no point did she consider the happiness of her paying customers. We had hoped to order desert and more drinks, but after 30 minutes of waiting for our plates to be cleared, we gave up. Our neighbouring table commented on the poor service to us, so it wasn’t just us who were disappointed. On leaving, the owner approached us and I thought - ok at least she’ll ask how things were and we can feed back to her. No, she asked if we found the place on social media or just by passing. She didn’t ask how we found the food, the service and she didn’t thank us for visiting. She has a lot of learning ahead of her before she’ll be successful long-term in running a hospitality business, that’s for sure. Running a aesthetically pleasing social media account probably shouldn’t come before the happiness of those customers in front of you, who’ve chosen to spend their money at your venue.

15 Sep 2023