Simpan tempat makan favorit kamu
install Horego sekarang
Henvey Lizar
Ulasan ini berdasarkan nasi ayam Medan. This review is based on Medan chicken rice (nasi ayam Medan) Masakan sederhana tapi cukup lezat. Harganya tidaklah murah, tapi juga tidak terlalu mahal. Hidangan terdapat kentang masak cabe, ayam goreng kecap, sayur buncis dan setengah telur yang di letak secara rapi. The food is simple yet tasty. The price is by no means cheap, but it is not too expensive either. The dish consists of chilli potato, fried chicken with soy sauce, green bean and a half egg which were plated neatly. Tempat makan bersih dan cukup terang. The eatery is clean with good lighting. Isi hidangan hanya untuk gambaran, bisa saja salah atau berubah di masa depan. Contents of the dish are for illustrative purposes only, it could be erroneous or subject to change in the future.
3 Jul 2020