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install Horego sekarang

Kevin Muliawarman

Kevin Muliawarman


Ordering online, 2 days in a row, they give the worst experience you possibly can expect. 1st day, it delivers more than 1 hour without no notification and not even bonus or coupon. In Pizza Hut, at least I get a complimentary coupon for free drink. 2nd day, they have no food, they propose to change the food with others that available, I agree to pay the difference then they ask if it is okay to cancel and I can order later. Sure I am okay with cancelation. After 15 minutes, I haven't got my money back. If you are a restaurant, I choose you knowing that I can trust that the food will be on my hand within the expected time. Hungry customer is the worst customer and I am lenient enough to give you 3 stars. At least in 1st day i know that the new menu is good that I want to try it on 2nd day. What a service!

26 Jun 2023