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Fan Fries review
dita kartika

dita kartika


(Translated by Google) Buy when there's no queue. I thought it would be made straight away but it turns out they look like they're just fried. OK, expectations are increasing because the potatoes in the fried impromptu should be crispy and crunchy, right? After about 5 minutes it was finally ready. When I tried it for the first time, the truffle seasoning really tasted good because it was put on the top. The spices are delicious, yes. But why are the potatoes so soft? The further down you go, the softer it becomes and it clumps together 😱😱 Sorry to say, this is like just eating lumps of fried potatoes plus sauce. Luckily the sauce is still delicious, so the taste of the sauce is welcome 😅 (Original) Beli pas lagi ga ada antrian. Kirain langsung dibuatin ternyata mereka kayaknya dadakan goreng ya. Okelah ekspektasi meningkat karena kentang di dadakan goreng harusnya kriuk renyah garing ya.. Kisaran 5 menit akhirnya ready. Pas cobain pertama, bumbu trufflenya berasa banget ya soalnya kan di taroh di paling atas. Secara bumbu nikmat lah ya. Tapi kok kentang lembek banget. Makin ke bawah makin lembek dan menggumpal jadi satu 😱😱 Sorry to say, ini kayak cuma makan gumpalan kentang digoreng plus dikasi saos2an. Untungnya saosnya masih enak lah ya jadi ketolong sama rasa saos nya 😅

16 Oct 2023