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Onezo Aeon Bsd review



Awalnya penasaran karena setiap ke Food Culture AEON, kedai Onezo ini selalu ramai pembeli, antrean panjang gitu. Pertama kali nyobain dirty brown sugar milk tea bubble. Menurutku harganya sedikit lebih mahal dibanding minuman sejenis merk lain (misal, Ch*time). Tapi ternyata memang lebih enak, terutama bobba-nya. Bobba terenak yang pernah kucoba, sih. Teksturnya lembut tapi masih terasa kenyal, dan rasanya manis. Kedua kalinya ke sini, aku nyoba winter melon & lemon with 3 types of bobba. Rasanya asam (karena memang lemon, sih), tapi kurang terasa semangkanya. Plus, menurut lidahku kurang cocok dipadukan dengan jenis bobba yang manis dan ada rasa kacangnya (kayak ronde), tapi cocok kalau pakai biji selasih. === At first, I was curious bcs everytime I went to Food Culture at AEON Mall, this bobba shop was always full of customers (the queue was long). So, I tried to buy the dirty brown sugar milk tea bubble. For me, its price was slightly above the similar type of beverage from other brand (e.g. Ch*time), but actually it worthed it. Its special quality was the soft yet chewy and sweet bobba. I guess this was the best bobba I've ever tasted. And then, the second time I came here, I bought the winter melon and lemon with 3 types of bobba. The 3 types of bobba were the regular bobba, the bobba with peanut, and basil seeds (selasih). In my opinion, the dominantly sour-tasted winter melon & lemon didn't match with the sweet bobba taste and texture, but it was okay with the basil seeds.

8 Dec 2019