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Mlinjo Cafe And Resto review
Mlinjo Cafe And Resto review
Mlinjo Cafe And Resto review
Mlinjo Cafe And Resto review
Mlinjo Cafe And Resto review
Mlinjo Cafe And Resto review
Mlinjo Cafe And Resto review
mango the pom
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mango the pom

168 Reviews
0 Placelists







Mlinjo in Palmerah is a culinary gem offering a diverse range of Indonesian delights. The Galantin, Nasi Megono Gurih, Nasi Rawon, and Nasi Mangut showcase the richness of Indonesian flavors. Each dish is meticulously prepared, with the Galantin boasting tender meat, the Nasi Megono Gurih bursting with aromatic spices, the Nasi Rawon delivering a bold flavor punch, and the Nasi Mangut offering a comforting and satisfying meal. Mlinjo is a must-visit destination for those craving authentic Indonesian cuisine in Palmerah.

13 May 2024