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The RR Chocolate - PIK Avenue review
The RR Chocolate - PIK Avenue review
The RR Chocolate - PIK Avenue review
The RR Chocolate - PIK Avenue review
The RR Chocolate - PIK Avenue review
The RR Chocolate - PIK Avenue review
The RR Chocolate - PIK Avenue review
The RR Chocolate - PIK Avenue review
The RR Chocolate - PIK Avenue review









Ternyata ga cuma jual coklat donk, ada kopi jg, tempatnya luas dan comfy 😍 Staff nya ramah & responsif n well attitude. Cobain cafe latte nya ok buat yg ga suka terlalu strong. Kalo aku lbh suka Cappucino dgn taste kopu lbh berasa. Cobain Carrot cake nya yg cukup unik rasanya dgn taburan scrumble youghurt, jd ada asem2 youghurt gitu dan kue nya ga terlalu manis. Kayaknyabga afdol kalo RR Chocolate ga cobain kue coklatnya, jd judu cobain kue coklatnya yg ternyata memang enak, coklatnya sweet enough πŸ˜‹creamy gitu. Cobain jg beberapa coklat dgn rasa berbeda semua nya enak m punya rasa yg unik tergantung selera masing2. Kalo aku suka nya dark chocolate yg cenderung pahit taste nya 😁atau yg raspberries chocolate yg ada asem2 nya dikit. Kalo kamu suka yg mana?

Edited - 8 Feb 2024