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install Horego sekarang

Alvinus Mardoko

Alvinus Mardoko


Easy 5 stars for service, cleanliness/hygiene and covid safety. The ambience is so nice and clean, it is probably one of the safest place to eat out with your family for now. The food is nice, but they are different than Song Fa (most will be compared with). Their bak kut teh soup is more subtle, even the herbal ones, so I can understand why some people may think their soup is watered down. It is not, because I can assure you their beef is tastier than SF. Its a solid 4 stars for their food. Beside the taste being more subdued, the portion is quite small for the price. The highlight in our dinner was as many have Mentioned, the cakwes or you tiao. Very crispy, tasty and a perfect marriage to their soup when eaten together. If you feel like having a clean eat, both for your belly and your safety, this place is a must try.

10 Dec 2021