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Steakment review
Ryan P

Ryan P


Sharing experience new steakhouse di daerah kayu putih: Appetizer: zupa soup tastenya okay, tapi masih standar zupa soup Main course: ini bintangnya! 🔝⭐ sirloin steak, rib eye steak, chicken steak semuanya enak banget, seasoningnya meresap dan kerasa after taste aroma thyme + butternya setelah digrill. Pasta carbonaranya juga recommended di sini with big portion of cubed saikoro steak! Drinks & desserts: all good and refreshing, terutama pandan iced tea dan fruit ice nya. Verdict: delicious and good price vs performance steak house di dekat rawamangun,kayu putih, pulomas. Easily masuk ke list favourite steakhouse as of now di daerah timur: steakment dan steak *n top!

25 Apr 2023