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Salah satu kafe langganan saya di daerah Sedayu. Bisa dibilang lokasinya agak tersembunyi dari jalan utama. Jaraknya deket banget dengan rel kereta api. Disini ada banyak sekali koleksi mobil klasik dan motor klasik milik owner kafe yang dipajang di sepanjang kafe. Spot favorit saya disini ada di bagian pendopo, disini rasanya cukup adem walaupun suasana di luar sedang panas terik. Tempat ini juga sangat kids friendly, kebetulan saya datang saat hari minggu, ada banyak sekali anak-anak yang datang dan bebas bermain di tempat ini. Di bagian belakang kafe ada lumayan banyak koleksi burung. Untuk makanan saya memesan menu yang sering saya pesan, yaitu sukun goreng. Rasanya enak & gurih seperti french fries. Harganya memang agak pricey kalo di kafe, tapi jauh lebih sehat dan mengenyangkan dibandingkan kentang goreng hehe, biasanya disajikan dengan sepiring kecil sambal. Sambalnya termasuk cukup Untuk minuman saya memesan Vanilla Choco Frappe seharga 25rb. Rasanya sungguh nikmat, kopinya masih terasa cukup jelas dilengkapi dengan manisnya es krim vanilla dan coklat. Rasanya tidak kemanisan karena gula tambahan diberikan secara terpisah. Frappe-nya bener-bener halus. Karena tempatnya yang luas, disini toiletnya ada 3, tersebar di setiap sudut. Ada wastafelnya juga untuk mencuci tangan. Pada saat weekend buka lebih awal dari jam 6 pagi. Pembayaran bisa dengan scan QRIS dan juga kartu debit. Ada tukang parkir yang berjaga saat weekend. Saat weekday biasanya parkir gratis. *** One of my favourite cafes in the Sedayu area. You could say the location is a bit hidden from the main road. It's very close to the railway tracks. There is a huge collection of classic cars and motorbikes owned by the cafe owner displayed throughout the cafe. My favourite spot here is in the pavilion, where it feels quite cool even though the atmosphere outside is hot. This place is also very kids friendly, I happened to come on a Sunday, there were lots of children who came and were free to play in this place. At the back of the cafe there is quite a collection of birds. For food, I ordered a menu that I often order, namely fried breadfruit. It tasted good and savoury like french fries. The price is a bit pricey for a cafe, but it's much healthier and filling than fries hehe, usually served with a small plate of sambal. The sambal is sufficient. For drinks, I ordered the Vanilla Choco Frappe for 25k. It was delicious, the coffee still tasted quite clear complemented by the sweetness of the vanilla and chocolate ice cream. It didn't taste too sweet as the added sugar was given separately. The frappe was really smooth. Because the place is spacious, there are 3 toilets, scattered in each corner. There is also a sink to wash your hands. On weekends, it opens earlier than 6am. Payment can be made by QRIS scan and debit card. There is a parking attendant on duty during the weekend. During weekdays, parking is usually free.
11 Aug 2024