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The Cafe review
Ben Pamuntjak

Ben Pamuntjak


First time to gladly and happily give a full 5 star rating for this establishment. Not only their very quick, responsive and polite service, but also their lavish variety of their quality buffet. First, tried their sashimi platters, from tuna to salmon they are all fresh and sweet. Love it. Then their freshly made seafood noodle, is to die for. A complete condiment from fried shallot to corriander leaves. Amazing The sirloin steak is just so so to my pallete, but their indian food corner is also delish. The cheese nan is my favorite. Uh. Almost forget to mention my encounter to the scallop and prawn on the seafood corner. What is amazing, again, they provide several option of sauce from tomato, chili to thai chilli sauce. Those are to me, really add to the enjoyment of eating. Lastly, their AMAZING desert selection. Options of ice cream, cake, jelly to chocolate fondue complete with variety of fruit, from ananas, grape to strawberry. Love love love. Btw, I just eat a small portion of each, but honestly to full to try other corner, such as local food, lamb shank to name a few.

17 Dec 2023