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Japanese skewers, onigiri baked rice, paper lamps, street food ⛩️⛩️⛩️ Ueno yakitori is across D'padmaya cafe and Bebek Slamet restaurant, next to Bumen restaurant. The tent restaurant is visible from the Japanese paper lamps 🎎⛩️ and yellow bulbs 💡 The Japanese satay 🍢🍡 place has only chicken 🐔 and beef 🐮 skewers, with rice 🌾🍚 or onigiri baked rice 🍙🍙🍙 They also sells japanese silk pudding 🍮🥃, but not listed in the menu. Price is moderate compare to street satay skewers vendor, but quite low compared to Japanese yakitori restaurant. Taste is simple. Unluckily Ueno only serves tare or sweet yakitori. No salty or shio yakitori. The area is a street hawker food district, good for food stall hopping around

4 Jan 2022