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Ta Wan - Summarecon Mall Serpong review
Mia Gunarmiasih

Mia Gunarmiasih


For the Beef black pepper was very sweet and too sweet taste just like sugar. I compalined about it and they replace one for me. It was better but still too sweet. I don't recommend the soft shell crab with salted egg... again taste was very sweet. I expect the salted egg sauce would be salty and not very sweet. The corn soup was sweet as well. Sepertinya chef nya suka sekali masak masakan yg serba manis. TOLONG CHEFnya di training lagi untuk standar rasa masakan supaya rasanya sama dengan outlet2 yg lain. Rasanya serba manis semua ... nanti bakal banyak customer yg kecewa gak mau datang lagi kalau tdk ada perbaikan standar rasa makanannya.

7 Sep 2022