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Cobra Ice Restaurant review
Jessica Nindya

Jessica Nindya


My mom once saw a reel about this restaurant, so of course we visited when we had the chance. I already saw the google reviews, but still the place was smaller than I expected – so yeah, parking is very limited. Everything about the restaurant gives off a vintage vibe. I tried their Ayam Goreng Modern as recommended by many people here, and indeed the portion was quite big. The taste was okay, and maybe because I ordered the breast cut, the meat is a bit hard and the seasoning didn’t really absorbed.. But the sambal really helped to elevate the dish. Their Siomay Goreng was more like spring rolls, but still good. I also tried the Es Roti and was soo full at this point lol. My mom ordered Gado-Gado, Nasi Liwet, and Es Kencana – she said they were good as well. They also sell many kinds of snack which is nice for last minute gifts (oleh2).

27 Dec 2023